At HomeDay, we help employers provide affordable and accessible homeownership options to their employees.

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Join these brands who offer and love the HomeDay Benefit


What Does It Cost?

The HomeDay Benefit is a zero-cost program for both the employer and employee! Seriously.

What's The Catch?

There is no catch! We earn our revenue through the process of getting your employees into a home. We are paid by lenders involved in the process of buying a home at no increased expense to the employee.

Will my employees be getting a worse mortgage when lenders are paying HomeDay?

HomeDay and it's affiliates offer some of the best rates and mortgage loans on the market. Pairing it with the additional HomeDay benefits makes us the most competitive offer available in 95% of scenarios. When it doesn't make sense for them to use us, we will still help them find the best option for them. There is no obligation for employees to use us as the lender, BUT they won't find a better deal!

How Does This Help My Company?

HomeDay directly supports your company by enhancing employee stability and satisfaction, which are essential for maintaining a productive workforce. Here's how:

Increased Employee Engagement and Productivity: Homeownership stabilizes employees' personal lives, which translates into higher engagement and productivity at work. Employees who have secure housing are less stressed and more focused, enabling them to contribute effectively to your company’s goals.

Cost-Effective Talent Recruitment and Retention: Recruiting talent, especially to new locations, can be costly due to relocation expenses. HomeDay can help alleviate these financial burdens at no additional cost to your company, making it easier and more economically feasible to attract and retain the best talent available.

Lower Turnover and Wage Pressure: Employees who own their homes are 30% more likely to stay with their employer. This loyalty reduces turnover rates, saving costs associated with hiring and training new staff. Additionally, as rental prices increase, employees often seek higher wages to offset their living costs. By facilitating homeownership through HomeDay, your company can preemptively address these wage pressures, maintaining payroll stability.

Reinforce Employer of Choice Status: By partnering with HomeDay, your company demonstrates a commitment to supporting employees' overall well-being, not just their professional success. This positions your company as a desirable place to work, where employees feel valued and supported both in and out of the workplace.

Overall, HomeDay helps your company build a more stable, engaged, and satisfied workforce, which is crucial for long-term success and competitiveness in the market.

What Does The Employer Need to Do?

The employer's part is simple:

Sign Up - A quick form to set up your account and provide a logo to customize the portal for your brand.

Send It Out - We provide a multitude of ways to communicate the offering with your employees that leads them to the portal and our team.

Sit Back - Let us handle the rest. Our team will communicate the benefit for you and handle any questions! You aren't required to get involved in any way.

How Much Time Will I Need To Invest?

Our goal is to save you both time and money. Because of that, we handle all of the heavy lifting and only request that you share this with your staff a couple of times a year to make sure they are aware of the benefit. They can login and access their portal without any administrative help from you!

How Does This Benefit The Employees?

Employees receive home purchase assistance averaging $4,000 and can actually be much higher depending on their situation.

In Addition to financial assistance, employees receive a guide to help them navigate a complex process and make the best decisions for their individual situation. There is never a pressure to buy, only help to achieve that goal when they are ready.

We provide access and discounts to additional financial wellness tools that can help your employees work towards homeownership, even if it is years down the road.

Who is HomeDay?

HomeDay is a team of people who see a mor affordable and accessible path to homeownership through collaborative practices that benefit everyone involved. Our no-brainer solution was born out of a need by everyday human beings losing out to the greed of the existing financial services industry.

© Copyright HomeDay 2024